iPhone Voice-Recognition Software

It turns out the star of the iPhone 4S was not the phone itself but rather Siri, the device’s new speech-controlled personal assistant.  Unlike traditional voice-recognition of the past that made you bark commands; Siri understands natural language, the same language we use to talk to the world.


According to the January 2012 issue of PC World the Brother MFC-9970CDW was ranked as the Best Buy in this category with a 4 ½ star rating out of a possible 5 star rating. Some features and specs: Touch-screen interface, USB along with wired and wireless network connectivity for easy printer sharing, 300 sheet standard […]

Bogus “Battery Upgrade” Apps

BATTERY UPGRADE APP DANGEROUS Ads that are promoting battery-saver apps for Android are bogus and security experts say the programs are really designed to steal your data or your money.